House Rules
Safety & Security Policies
Gila River Resorts & Casinos – Wild Horse Pass, Lone Butte, Vee Quiva, Santan Mountain – are considered public facilities that host a diverse population of local residents and visitors for a variety of events, including concerts, family shows, sporting events, corporate rentals and other events. Gila River Resorts & Casinos takes pride in providing a clean, safe environment for our guests to enjoy their favorite entertainment.
Please note: Guests are not required to wear face masks at any of the Gila River Resorts & Casinos properties, and optional based on individual preferences.
Public safety is priority number one at Gila River Resorts & Casinos, and we rely on the cooperation and the good judgment of every person who enters our facilities to ensure this level of safety. All Indian Gaming is conducted and regulated by the Gila River Indian Community.
No Firearms Allowed
Please note that firearms are not permitted to be stored and/or carried on our properties, even if you possess a valid concealed carry permit. Pursuant to A.R.S. 4-229. Violators may be subject to citation/arrest by Gila River Police Department and have their firearm seized. Violators may be subject to being permanently trespassed from all Gila River Resorts & Casinos.
Age of Access
No person under the age of 21 is permitted to gamble. Persons under the age of 21 are permitted to use the walkways around the exterior edges of the casino floor in order to patronize restaurants, food courts, and concert/special event venues. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 21.
- Guests between the age of 18 to 21 do not require an escort to visit our non-gaming venues but must provide valid identification.
- Guests under 18, or those who do not provide identification, must be accompanied by an adult over 21 at all times.
Any person caught gaming under the age of 21 will be subject to criminal prosecution and exclusion.
Gila River Gaming Enterprises, Inc. requires you to possess valid government-issued identification while you are on premises and you may be asked to show it upon request.
Dress Code
- Players’ faces must be free of face paint or masks while inside casino. (Exception for masks due to COVID-19)
- Dress code in effect, shoes and shirts are mandatory
- Transparent or excessively revealing clothing is not permitted
Smoking Policy
Smoking, vaping, chewing tobacco or any other use of tobacco products are prohibited at all times indoors. You may use tobacco products outdoors in designated smoking areas.
Disallowed Items
Gila River Casino staff will not take possession of prohibited items from any guest at any time. Any prohibited item left at any entrance by a guest will be disposed of immediately.
The following items are NOT allowed in Gila River Casinos under any circumstances:
- Weapons, firearms, pepper spray/mace, flares or fireworks
- Food, beverage, liquid containers, alcohol, cans, bottles, flasks, coolers or water bottles
- Workman’s Tool, pocket knives, or any other tool and/or weapon
- Laser pens/pointers and flashlights
- Laptop/tablet computers are not allowed on the gaming floor
- Noise making devices: Air horns, cowbells, drums or whistles
- Signs/Flags/Banners/Posters
- Pamphlets or product samples unless pre-approval has been granted by Executive Management
- Skateboards, rollerblades or bicycles
- Drugs or illegal substances
- Video or audio recording devices of any kind
- Any item that may be deemed potentially harmful
Bag Policy
All persons and bags are subject to search. Gila River Resorts & Casinos does not provide a general area to check bags, coats or any other personal belongings. We are not responsible for any property that is lost, stolen, or damaged. Gila River Resorts & Casinos will not take possession of prohibited items from any guest at any time. Any prohibited item left at any entrance by a guest will be disposed of immediately. People attempting to bring in items listed above will be asked to return them to their vehicle or take them offsite.
Lost, Stolen, or Found Items
Gila River Resorts & Casinos provides Lost & Found as a complimentary service. We are not responsible for lost and/or stolen slot machine tickets/credits, money, jewelry, documents, clothing, or other articles of any value left in your resort room or on our property. Lost & Found Items that “we value” at $50 or greater will be held in a secured location for 14 days. After 14 days, unclaimed items will be dispositioned. Lost & Found items that “we value” under $50 will not be held and immediately dispositioned.
Gila River Resorts & Casinos understands that finding a lost item is important to you. Our team will make every attempt to identify and ensure a prompt return of your lost article to you.
Camera/Video Recording Device Policy
Point and shoot cameras and cell phone cameras are permitted provided they are non-professional, intended for personal use and have a non-detachable lens less than three inches in length. No video cameras and or cell phone videos are permitted. No flashes are permitted at any time.
Survelliance Monitoring
Gila River Casinos are under monitored surveillance 24 hours a day.
Alcohol Policy
No outside alcohol is permitted in the venue. Consumption of alcohol in the parking lot is prohibited.
Service Animals/Guide Dogs
Animals and pets of any kind are prohibited at Gila River Resorts & Casinos with the exception of trained service animals. Service animals are welcome inside the resorts and casinos, but must, at all times, remain on a leash and with the individual they provide service to. Service animals should rest in the seating area of the individual with the disability, rather than in the aisle.
Emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals are no longer considered service animals under ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).
A guest whose service animal poses a threat to the safety of the other Gila River guests and employees may be asked to escort the animal off-premises.
All jackpots must be claimed within one (1) year of the date being won. Jackpot payouts and/or reportable transactions require, at minimum, two pieces of acceptable identification (as dictated by GRGE Acceptable Identification Policy) one of which must be a validated TIN check (for U.S. Citizens or Resident Aliens).
Casino guests may contest the payment of any winnings by immediately contacting a member of casino management. All guests have the right to request a Tribal Gaming investigation of a dispute involving winnings. Such requests can be made by contacting a Tribal Gaming Inspector on the casino floor.
Disputes over winnings of at least $500 require immediate involvement of the Tribal Gaming office.
Self-Exclusions, Exclusions for Cause & Operational Bans
Individuals who have requested self-exclusion from the Arizona Department of Gaming and/or Gila River Indian Community Tribal Gaming Office, have been excluded for cause from Gila River Casinos or have been issued an Operational Ban from Gila River Casinos are not welcome at any Gila River Casino Property until that ban or exclusion has been rescinded.
If you are caught at Gila River Casinos while the ban or exclusion is still active, you will be considered trespassing and may be issued a trespassing citation and further, any gaming instrument (Chips, TITO Tickets, etc.) in your possession will be retained by Gila River Casinos. These items will not be returned to you.
Refusal of Service
- Management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time without providing a reason.
- Guests who are suspected of “gang affiliation” by gathering in groups of two (2) or more persons that have a common identifying sign or symbol or an identifiable leadership that suggest affiliation with a “gang” (including flashing of hand signs, displaying logos or the wearing of any clothing or attire such as sagging pants, shirts, jewelry, bandannas, beanies or hats that suggest gang affiliation) may be required to leave the premises.
- Guests who use obscene language, obscene gestures, racial, religious or ethnic slurs which could create a disturbance, or disrupt the peace of customers, retailers and/or associates of the property, may be required to leave the premises.
Gila River Indian Community and Gila River Resorts & Casinos does not permit the use of medical or recreational marijuana on our property.
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Become a member and gain access to exclusive perks and privileges with THE Card®. Earn and use points across all four properties plus participating partners.